Final grades went in to the registrar last night and now I have time to reflect upon my performance this academic year as well as the academic performance of my students. Winning a teaching award this year was very gratifying--recognition from colleagues and administration means a great deal to me, but what my students have learned (and more importantly will remember) is the true test of whether I've succeeded this year.
So I welcome constructive criticism and comments from my students. I'm always harping on "the big picture" and "turning points" of history. Will my students remember these ten years from now? That's the real test of teaching and learning.
As to students' knowledge of grammar, punctuation (oy) and capitalization, I continue to be amazed at what they apparently have never learned. I know that secondary teachers have too much pressure these days and too little support, but why not teach punctuation? It's not that hard.
So, students and former students: if you want to set yourself apart from the others in your job cover letters or in your academic writing, here's what to do.
Take a few minutes each day and learn how to use commas properly. You may think this is not important, but remember that most of the people who will read your cover letters are not your peers or your peers' age or, for that matter, even close to your peers' age. They are older and chances are good that someone taught them how to use commas in their school years. They're so used to seeing badly written, choppy drivel without any semblance of punctuation or proper capitalization that when they see your cover letter, it will stand out. And that's definitely what you want.
I encourage all my former students to stay in touch--and if you want to talk about punctuation and cover letters, I'll be glad to assist.
Happy summer, y'all!