Sunday, December 16, 2012

When did "lifestyle" replace the word "life"?

It's research paper and final exam grading time, so I will offer my latest musings on students' use of words. My first question is why do I so often read the word "lifestyle" when the more simple, and more correct word, "life" would be better?

Here's an example of what I'm seeing:

"Immigrants came from all over the world seeking a better lifestyle."

Why not:

"Immigrants came from all over the world seeking a better life." ?

The word "lifestyle" means a particular way of living--as in a bohemian lifestyle or a green lifestyle or a back-to-the-earth lifestyle.

Immigrants didn't come to America seeking a better lifestyle; they came seeking a better life.

Let's always remember to use simpler words whenever possible. That's what makes writing strong and effective.

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