Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The U.S. Constitution is losing oomph as a model for other nations

According to a story in today's New York Times (please note that the italicized title), a new study finds that while the U.S. Constitution used to be the template for other nations around the world, that is no longer so. And it finds that the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, which until recently were regularly cited by the highest tribunals of other nations, are losing their influence as well.

Here's a link to the entire story:

Apparently the study, which quantified the provisions of constitutions around the world, the U.S. protects fewer rights--and, in some cases, different right--in its Bill of Rights.

The new models for court decisions are--and I imagine you'll be as surprised by this as I am--India, South Africa, and New Zealand. 

The new model for constitution building, which, by the way most other countries seem to do every nineteen years or so--is the Canadian Charter. 

But don't take my world for it--read the article. 

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